Where can I learn to ballroom dance in Geelong?
Geelong Ballroom Dance Club doesn't provide dance instruction, but there are many fine dance instructors in the Geelong area. some are listed below:
2025 - U Can Dance.
Wednesday 8, 15, 22 & 29 January Social dance only. 6.30 - 9.00pm $10 Please join us on these dates for great social dancing.
Every Wednesday from 5th February 2025 at The Ballroom:
6.00-6.30 with Pam and Margot - revision of any dance for any level that you are having difficulty with.
No bookings, just turn up
6.30 - 7.30 pm dance class
7.30 - 9.00 pm Social Dance
6.00-9.00 pm. $10 each for 3 hours
Everyone welcome, if you are reading this would love to have you join us. Happy dancing!!
Location: The Ballroom, Hamyln Heights (until further notice)
Contact: Margot Louttit on 0414 942079
Email: u_candance1@bigpond.com
Stay Safe & Happy Dancing !! Margot
Hi Everyone, |
2025 - Take the Lead Ballroom Dancing Classes.
Grab a flyer - CLICK HERE
Take the Lead Ballroom Dancing Jose & Karen: Classes for 2025.
Monday - Social advanced class. 7.30 – 9.30pm. Cost $12
Teach/revise 2 dances plus social dancing.
You need a knowledge of numerous Standard and New Vogue dances to enjoy this class.
Thursday – 6.30 to 9.00pm beginners, intermediate and advanced class. Cost $12
Beginners 6.30 – 7.00pm
Intermediate 7.00 - 8.15pm
Advanced 8.15 – 9.00pm
A dance will be taught in each class followed by dancing.
Individual or group private lessons.
Would you like to learn/revise a particular dance or improve your dancing? Get a few people together and have a group lesson.
Monday – 2.30 to 7.00pm
Thursday – 4.00 to 6.15pm
Friday – 6.00 to 8.30pm
1-2 people $30 for half an hour
1 to 2 people $55 for one hour
3 to 4 people $50 for half an hour
3 to 6 people $75 for one hour
Note: Full fee will be charged for the group lesson as booked.
For information call Jose 0401673221
New Friday Night Group Private Lessons.
Would you like to learn/revise a particular dance or improve your dancing?
Get a few people together and have a group lesson for 30 minutes: 3 to 4 people $50. An hour: 3 to 6 people $75.
Take the Lead Ballroom Dancing - 0401673221
2025 - Pam Olver
Pam Olver Ph: 0417015630
I will teach my first Sat from 24th Feb at 10am as I have a private lesson first and then the class.
I will be back to teach with Margot on Wed 7th Feb
Teaches every Saturday at the Ballroom Geelong.
11am till 1pm is an Advance Class
This class is for all people who have been dancing for at least 18 months. It covers all 3 styles but goes more into details of technique of the dance and how to dance the dances with style and grace. Best if you bring a partner or else you will have to dance by yourself.
Cost is $15.00 per person
Private Lessons
Private lessons are for couples to learn whatever they want to do. If can help if you cannot pick up a step or a dance or even if you just need help brushing up on some dances, you may have forgotten.
Private Lessons available in the early morning or late afternoon on a Saturday by calling Pam on 90392088.
Cost is $60.00 per couple per hour.
Bridal Waltz / Wedding Dance Lessons
These lessons are choreographed to whatever music the bride and groom would like to dance to. It is normally a full track of music – between 3mins to 5mins total. Music must be advised at least a few days prior to the first lesion. Minimum of 5 x 1 hour lessons required. Only done on Saturdays.
Cost is $85.00 per couple per hour
Zaza - to2tango
My classes will resume Tuesday 10th January 2024, 2.00 to 5.00pm.
For more information and bookings please call Zaza on 0409321643 or email: to2tango@bigpond.com
2025 - Annmarie Kelly.
Join Annmarie every Wednesday, from 2.00 to 4.00pm, for her wonderful Afternoon Tea Dance.
Dancing is modern new vogue catering for beginners to advanced.
Entry is $10.00 with afternoon tea and lucky door prize supplied.
Private lessons.
Annmarie is a fully qualified dance instructor who has been teaching and has professionally danced for many years. Her wealth of experience is vast.
Lessons are available on:
Monday - 9.00 to 2.00pm
Tuesday - 9.00 to noon.
Thursday – 9.00 to noon.
Please contact Annmarie on 0408 448 752
Time to Shine Bootscooters - Geelong Line Dancing Classes
Fridays @ The Geelong Ballroom Dance Club, - Corner of Carey St & Bayview Pde, Hamlyn Heights
Class time: 9:30 am til 12:30pm Levels :Absolute Beginners to Easy Intermediates
Entry $12. I provide tea & coffee. You bring your cup and water bottle.
Contact: Gwendolyn 0408.311.836
New people always welcome, no need to book.
Flyer attached - CLICK HERE
Check out some images..... CLICK HERE.
Ballroom Baby Geelong
Geelong's premier Dancesport Teaching facility for social, medal and competition dancing. Classes for all ages. Open classes held Friday night. Private lessons held 7 days a week.
Location: 1/169 Ryrie Street, Geelong Phone: 5292 1012 Email: hello@babygeelong.com.au
Web: babygeelong.com.au Facebook & Instagram: Ballroom Baby Geelong
Ballroom Baby Torquay
Torquay's own Ballroom Dance school for social, medal and competition dancing. Classes for all ages. Classes held on Monday night. Social dance on the 4th Saturday of every 2nd month.
Location: TIA Hall, 12 Price Street, Torquay Phone: 5292 1012 Email: hello@babygeelong.com.
Web: babygeelong.com.au Facebook: Ballroom Baby Torquay